In partnership with Henovia SA (ESG specialist) the Plumettaz Group has conducted carbon assessment to measure and track actively CO2 emissions.
The primary objective was to set a strong base for our sustainability strategy and future development projects while anticipating and complying with upcoming legal framework and regulations.
We are pleased with the exercise and our collaboration with Henovia that helped raise the right questions and guided us on our road to decarbonization.
“Nous avons bénéficié d'un accompagnement et de conseils précieux sur nos achats d'énergie et nos possibilités d'optimisation, et ainsi faire des économies importantes sur nos coûts d'énergie.”
“Les conseils d'Henovia nous ont permis de choisir la meilleure solution solaire et d'opter pour l'option de financement la plus avantageuse parmi différents prestataires.”